Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Cause of Anxiety Attacks in The World of Today

Are there causes of anxiety attacks? In today's world anxiety disorders many times may be the most common mental illness. In the United States 40 million (18.1%) of the adult population is affected. These numbers are on the increase all over the world, demanding immediate attention. Even though studies are usually made only on adults (over 18 years old), this disorder affects all age groups.

We all blame it on stress, too much work load or other over pressuring day to day activities. However, the scientists have found out the cause of anxiety attacks are:

Brian Biochemistry or chemical imbalance

There are two primary neurotransmitters; serotonin and dopamine, that affect a person's feeling. Any imbalance of these chemicals can provoke a cause of anxiety attacks expressed through feeling depressed or sad.


Anxiety disorders are also inherited as they tend to run in the family, thus passing it on from one's mother/father to the son/daughter or any other close relative. The structure of the brain and its process are inherited in totality and that can be another reason why people with chemical imbalance can pass on the anxiety disorder thus, being the cause of anxiety attacks. Also growing up as a child in an abusive home, where the family expressed anxiety and violence constantly can be the cause of anxiety attacks.

Fight or Flight Mechanism

When we sense danger, the body prepares itself to either fight or run away. This is known as fight or flight mechanism. This mechanism is triggered mostly by a part of the brain called Amygdale. Sometimes the brain misunderstands the message and a situation and translated it as dangerous when it is not in reality. This can be a cause of anxiety attacks.
The symptoms are very real and frightening. Thus, convincing us that something is wrong and we get scared and untrusting. The flight or fight failure, the scientists say, is the main cause of panic attacks.

Along with the various medications, the scientists also have discovered the possibility to reserve these symptoms now, with the modern science and technology. Now, all we need to do is to learn to recognize these symptoms and consult the doctor as soon as possible. As any other disorder or illness, treated in time, it can be almost always treated successfully.

Be aware of your body and recognize when is giving you the wrong symptoms. Make sure you consult your Doctor as you never want to rely on your own diagnosis. Your doctor may see or know something that you never thought of. Build your knowledge base and learn some techniques that will help you to stop your anxiety attacks dead in its tracks. You may want to try a book and audio that I have used. You can find a link at the top of my web site “A Guide to Eliminate Stress and Anxiety”.

Feel free to visit some of my sites <a href="" title="Stop Anxiety Attacks">Stop Anxiety Attacks</a> and <a href="" title="Stop Anxiety Now">Stop Anxiety Now</a>

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Anxiety of Everyday Life

Many people I know claim that life stresses them out, and for all I know, they're probably telling the truth. Some, however, often say they feel anxiety over the major issues in their lives. When I hear this, I can't help but smile. You see, I suffered from generalized anxiety disorder for most of my life. While they may experience brief episodes of worry over life altering events that anyone would worry about, I would often find myself anxiously worried about everything. From the mundane and miniscule to the full scale and future altering, if it existed...I was anxious about it. If being anxious were a career choice, I would have been a high PhD toting, high powered executive. 

The biggest difference between those who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and the population at large is the limited amount of control sufferers have over their thought processes. I used to worry uncontrollably about things over which I had little if any control. In fact, I often worried excessively about things that had no choice but to resolve themselves. My anxiety caused me to spend a great deal of time focusing on things that didn't merit the degree of concern I imparted them. Additionally, all the anxiety I felt over these everyday events wore on me, both mentally and physically.

Generalized anxiety disorder can be difficult to diagnose. I was lucky enough to have a physician who recognized some of the symptoms based on our conversations and recommended me to a specialist. Now that I've been diagnosed, I have successfully controlled my anxiety through behavior therapy, medication and relaxation techniques. 

If you or someone you know feels overly anxious about the everyday events that all people experience, I encourage you to get more information on anxiety disorders. There are several excellent free resources on the web where you can view the symptoms of anxiety disorders to help determine if you may be suffering from anxiety.  Always consult your physician regarding your medical concerns and remember, help is available.

Teenage depression: Is it just a phase in growth?

We all remember when we were teenagers. Boy, what a phase in our lives.
What with the need for peer acceptance, parental expectations, raging hormones, acne…
It’s no wonder teenage depression exists in such high numbers.

From research and even mere observation, teenage depression actually manifests itself differently from adult or childhood depression as during this age, teens want to start to mark their territorial signs of independence and the last thing a teen may want to do is admit they need help for depression. Teenagers tend not to display gloom, self-depreciation, or talk about feeling hopeless like adults do during this stage of their lives if they are depressed, so as a parent or adult role-model you may need to watch for other signs of depression in the teenager you are dealing with.

Teenage Depression: Symptoms to watch out for

Though the signs of teenage depression may vary in both sexes, here are some symptoms that are common to both male and female teens battling with depression.

1. Excessive negativity and antisocial behaviors.
2. Wanting to leave home or retreat to their rooms constantly.
3. Inattention to personal appearance.
4. A lack of desire to co-operate in family get-togethers and activities.

Signs of Teenage Depression in Males:

1. Increasing in aggression and agitation.
2. A higher tendency to get in trouble with school or the law.
3. Reckless behavior such as uncontrolled use of illegal substances.

Signs of Teenage Depression in Females:

1. Less attention to their appearance.
2. Pre-occupation with death and themes of suicide.
3. Excessive promiscuity or an extreme isolation from members of their opposite sex.

Although this is not a conclusive list of the signs of teenage depression one should look out for in teens, the ones listed above are the most common ones. In addition to these depression symptoms in regards to teenager, other ones may include a lower self-esteem than average, referrals to suicide (in extreme cases) and a general negative outlook on life.

It indeed may be challenging to cope with as an adult to deal with a depressed teenager as it’s a catch 22 situation, they want to be independent as teens, yet they need your help.
Well, this may be a good time to simply take charge, albeit with care and caution as we are dealing with delicate and sensitive emotions here and reach out to help.

Teenage Depression: Solutions for coping with depression in your teen

1. If necessary, seek professional help. I lean more towards drug-free alternatives so meetings with competent Pastors, guidance counselors, teachers and therapists may suffice to at least get a diagnosis…if you need one.
2. Talk to your teen’s friends and or their parents, although this approach requires care, remember, they are starting to declare independence and ‘snooping’ around on them may be defeating the purpose of reaching them, so do this with care and tact.
3. Suggest one-on-one outings with phrases like: “hey, how about a game of basket ball, just you and I..?’ or “Hey how about us girls take a trip to the Mall?”
If they refuse, don’t appear too crushed; simply respond with an understanding “okay maybe some other time…”
4. Ask if there is anything they’d like to discuss and this will be a great time to be more of the listener and less of the talker as soon as they start to open up.
5. Don’t be what you’ve not always been to your teen, in other words being overly nice or “Bill Cosby-ish” (no pun intended Mr. Cosby) , trust me, they’ll see right through the act and may withdraw even more.
6. Watch for signs of suicide (in extreme cases) and if there is the slightest
indication, double up your efforts to reach your teen. It helps if you’ve been close as parent and child from the beginning.
7. In the hopes things are not as extreme, soon as they manifest signs of reaching out, help, be there. Incorporate such limbs of a natural treatment for depression as exercise, proper diet and positive thoughts and affirmations.
8. Set a good example of being upbeat around your teen as much as possible. This can also be more of preventive measure if any.
9. Prayer. If you are spiritual, pray and it doesn’t hurt and can help immensely to ask
your depressed teen to join. “Where two or more are gathered in My name, there will I be.” Keep that promise from Above in mind-it works.

Teenage depression may wear a different mask from all other types, but it is essentially the same and with the proper steps taken can be overcome. Do not panic, however, be strong and there for your teen and in applying the steps above with other suggestions or creative ideas you deem right as an adult dealing with a depressed teen, you will be able to steer him or her back to a positive outlook on life.

Teenage Depression

Many people believe today that teenagers lack respect for authority, lack respect for school, and even lack respect for family. For the most part they are looked down on by society as being disobedient trouble-makers. Being a teenager isn’t an easy task. They’re constantly being exposed to new, scary situations, and it’s hard for any teenager to overcome one of these obstacles because of how they are looked at by other people, and one of the biggest problems a teenager has to face is depression.

About 5% of teenagers suffer from severe depression. More often than not they have a very hard home life usually consisting of depressed parents or abusive siblings. Teens who are under a lot of stress, or suffer from anxiety and learning problems, are at higher risk for depression. Highschool is the leading cause of stress in a teenagers life, and parents need to take that into consideration. Instead of making your kids do homework you need to help your kids do homework. Another thing teenagers are exposed to is drinking and drug usage. If you catch your kid drinking alcohol or smoking pot there are many things you can do besides yelling at them and grounding them. Try to explain to them what happens when people drink and drive. Talk to them about your life experiences with drinking and drugs. Or you can even negotiate with them and tell them they can drink if they do it within the household. Anything is better than just yelling at them and leaving them alone, because chances are they will go out and do it again. Drinking is a sign that your teenager may be depressed, so you also need to realize yelling at them will not solve the problem. There are also many other signs to watch for if your teenager is suffering from depression:

Sudden loss of interest in doing activities they once enjoyed
Little to no energy. Sleeps a lot
Increased anger and hostility
Self-Injury, which may lead to suicide attempts
Poor concentration in home or at school
Persistent boredom

You’re probably wondering what you should do if your teenager is depressed. The first step is to seek professional help. You might think because your the parent it would be best for you to help your child out, but the truth is you need to find real professionals to help your teenager through their depression. Unless you’re a certified therapist, I wouldn’t recommend you taking the responsibility to help your kid’s depression. You can support your child, and talk to them frequently, but don’t try to cure them. Also be aware of the many types of medicines out on the market for depression. If a therapist suggests a certain type of pill for your teenager, look it up on the internet and find out all of the information you can on the medicine. There are many types of pills that have very bad side effects, and you as the parent need to make sure what you think is appropiate for your child. Remember, the therapist only suggests these pills, you need to make sure if it’s the best route to take. Also keep in mind that if your kid suffers from any kind of medical disorder, you let your therapist know before your teenager takes any kind of medicine, and let your doctor know what the therapist is wanting to prescribe them.

Before I bring this article to a close I’d just like to give my final thoughts. Teenagers are people just like anyone else, and they’re dealt many hard cards in life. You were a teenager once, so you should know what it’s like. It’s one of the hardest parts of your life. If you give your child the love and care that they need, they can get through their depression and make it out of highschool just fine. Punishment is something you should do while the child is young, once they become adolescent you need to start talking to them more about personal things and helping them along the way, not punishing them. There are more good teenagers out there than bad, people just don’t pay enough attention to find out. The problem with the world isn’t teenagers, it’s the people who aren’t giving teenagers the chance they deserve who are the problem.

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Teen Depression: The Scary Truth

Teen depression comes in two forms.  It can be a simple episode in which they are upset because of a break up.  Or, it can come in a constant, heavy depression that can and does destroy lives.  There are many things that you, as a parent can do to keep your child out of this condition.  Teen depression is serious and should be handled in the right way.

<b><u>What Are The Signs?</u></b>

Knowing some of the signs of depression is necessary.  All parents should keep a look out for these conditions.
<li>Pulling away from the things that they used to love to do.</li>
<li>Not eating well.  While they may eat normally, they may lose weight.  Or, they may not be eating at all.</li>
<li>Not sleeping well.  Waking up still tired is not okay.</li>
<li>Pulling away from friends and social situations.  This is a key sign of teen depression.  Teens are social creatures and need constant interaction.  If they are not allowing it to happen, they may be depressed.</li>
<li>The blues that last.  While everyone feels bad sometimes, teens with depression feel bad most of the time.  You need to get them some help in these cases.
Teen depression that is serious can lead to additional problems. Teens that are depressed may be more likely to do drugs or drink alcohol.  Teens in this situation are less likely to do well in school.  They may retreat so much so into themselves that they may become ill or may attempt to harm themselves.

One of the scariest things about teen depression is how well they can hide it.  Many teens will face bouts of depression, but those that have too many will hide it well from you.  If this is the case, you may never realize how much trouble they are in until it is too later.  Parenting a teen means; making it your business to know.

Techniques to ease stress, treat depression and increase relaxation.

Stress is one of the top health hazards we face today. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to go through life without the irritations that make us tense. Some people deal with the situation better than others. Here are some techniques for easing stress and increasing relaxation:
-    Get enough sleep
-    Meditate regularly
-    Give up junk Food
-    Adopt a pet
-    Surround yourself with supportive people
-    Limit your exposure to chemicals
-    Enjoy yourself
-    Exercise regularly such as stretching, aerobics etc
-    Take Your Vitamins

You should learn to control stress before it controls you. There are also medications available for people whose stress levels are bad enough to impact their ability to function effectively. Doctor in some instances may prescribed medication for you but are usually prescribed for no more than a few months as medications may have the potential to cause side effects such as sleepiness and some nausea.

 Those who afraid of the side effects should seek natural treatment. One of the natural treatment that is available in the market is Relagen. Relagen is a natural product that treats the various and debilitating symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. Relagen unlike Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Effexor is produced to treat you safe and naturally without unwanted side effects that can be found in the prescriptions medication. With Relagen, you can lose that stubborn excess weight around your waist caused by high levels of the cortisol stress hormone.

Treatment for stress and anxiety, or depression is not that simple because brain is not that simple. Scientist has found that certain naturally occurring ingredients can assist in treating stress and anxiety, or depression. The active ingredients in Relagen help to regulate the chemicals that influence your moods safely. To learn more on Relagen visit

Symptoms of Depression: How to know if you are depressed

Studies have shown that about 20 million Americans receive some form of depression treatment on an annual basis. Twenty Million Americans! Considering how grave an illness depression is, this is a rather worrisome number. As a result recognizing the symptoms of depression as a step for depression treatment may perhaps be the first move to make.

Like any other illness, depression, characterized by insomnia, mood swings, frustration and loss of appetite amongst other things, is a disorder that starts little but left unattended to can increase in intensity. Thus all efforts should be made to attend to the symptoms of depression and for best results; this should be in its beginning stages.

Now, the symptoms of depression may be caused or aggravated by other diseases (for example, in my case it was years and years of acne and asthma as a teen and adult), stress, use of drugs, Improper diet, Loss of a job or loved ones. The list is endless friends. However, as a famous writer once said, in regards to depression here is one helpful thing to remember: "Life's problems are like knives, which either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle: Grasp a difficulty or problem by the blade and it cuts; grasp it by the handle and you can use it constructively"

In order to not allow depression to take over your present situation and consequently hinder you from overcoming it, below are its symptoms in no specific order.

Symptoms of Depression:

1. Irritability and mood swings.
2. Hopelessness and extreme pessimism (a negative outlook on life)
3. Loss of energy, extreme fatigue and tiredness.
4. Loss of interest in hobbies, having a good appearance and even associates and loved ones.
5. Extreme feelings of helplessness and no self worth.
6. Suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases)
7. Insomnia (lack of) or excessive sleep.
8. Inexplicable weight loss or gain thereof, triggered by eating disorders.

Though not a conclusive list as characteristics vary by patient, these symptoms of depression listed above are the most common ones. If you happen to experience any of these symptoms, the first step, in my opinion and based on research will be to look within and ask why this may be occurring. Thoroughly assess your situation to see what it is that could be triggering these symptoms of depression within you. Could it be a failure at something or the loss of something or someone of importance?

If you go over the problem carefully, you would be able to target the cause and consequently solve it. Remember, the mind is the most powerful force on the earth, He who can control it can control all things my friend.

You will notice that I have made little or no mention of drugs or members of the medical fraternity. That is simply because I believe a drug-free alternative of treating depression and its symptoms will be the safest route to go. What with all the side effects of popular depression medications, why aggravate an already disturbed health with such unwanted side effects as nausea, weight gain and even sexual dysfunctions as reported in some cases.

With a drug-free approach of Positive Thinking, a carefully selected diet (yes, it matters friend) and some form of physical exercise-my personal recommendation being Yoga-you can tackle the symptoms of depression at any stage and empower yourself to lead a healthier and happier life.

Other things you can add to these three limbs are to take time to relax more, enjoy your favorite music (remember David playing for Saul in the Bible, yes music is soothing for depression friend), seek uplifting entertainment, read more self-help books, Heck, if you’re of a Christian background go to Psalms 23 or 91…they help. Seek out the company of those you know make you laugh. Or if need be, let out a good cry (don’t abuse it and you are not weak if you do, it’s part of being human.), clear the mind and empower yourself (if need be with positive affirmations repeated mentally or aloud) and tackle your problems because YOU CAN DO IT!

May Happiness be yours.

Beat the Symptoms of Your depression starting today.

Suicide is Not an Option

On December 12th, 1992, my brother committed suicide. The consequences were devestating to everyone involved. Maybe this story will help someone who is contemplating suicide to decide against it.

Suicide is not the solution that some may think it is. Problems and unresolved issues will haunt family and friends for many decades.

My nephew, who was just a baby at the time, would always ask about his uncle. He eventually learned to point up at the sky and say, "Uncle Scott".

But the reality is that he missed out on having the benefit and support of his uncle as he grew up. And of course, there are countless interactions with family members that will be missed over the decades.

Suicide is permanent. And the effects that it has on loved ones also lasts over a life time.

My brother was only 22 years old at the time he chose to commit suicide. I was only 24.

I remember going to the viewing and seeing his lifeless body. They couldn't quite erase all of the signs of his violent death. And that image will stick with the living for the rest of their lives.

In the end, the temporary pain someone escapes by committing suicide might be overshadowed by the pain and sadness of family and friends. That pain may continue through the decades whenever they think about it.

The missed opportunities for interaction also impedes the growth of everyone else. Countless interactions that would have occurred are all lost now.

Who knows how destiny was changed by such an event. The family that he may have had will not exist now.

The triumphs and set backs of a life will never be realized. The fulfillment of a lifetime was cut short by a decision that may have been made rashly at a moment of personal confusion or pain.

We never know who it is in our destiny to meet and interact with over a lifetime. All of those 'plays' of life will never be able to exist because one of the characters on the stage will not be there to fulfill his role.

So, the total sum of the tragedy is really unknown but it seems likely that over what would have amounted to decades of time, that sum must be quite high. I guess we won't get the chance to find out.

Though I am revealing this personal family tragedy to the masses through this article, if it saves a single life, it will be worth it. Drop me a line if you ever want to talk, I would be happy to hear from you.

Stop Anxiety Attacks - Review

Some people don't even realize that they are having anxiety attacks, until they know what the definition of one is. An anxiety attack is a strong sensation that creates fear in oneself, as the symptoms can seem like you are actually dying. If you are someone who suffers from these kinds of attacks, it is important to know as much as you can about them as to help control them. Thus the more you learn and know the quicker you can begin to control your anxiety attacks.

The cause of  anxiety attacks can vary from person to person. They may be caused by an upsetting event in someone's life or a fear of something they have experienced growing up. Stress is a big contributor to anxiety attacks, but the possibilities are truthfully endless. Medication is a known trigger of an anxiety attack, and being less than active is known to be a contributor as well. In reality, there is not a particular known reason for people who experience these attacks, they are in short a body's way of dealing with an overwhelming feeling in one way or another.

One of the main symptoms of anxiety attacks is extreme fear. Now, fear may be acknowledged as a symptom of anxiety, but in reality it is just the end result of the real symptoms. Before fear sets in, you are likely to experience one or more symptoms of anxiety, which lead you to the fear. Chest pain due to a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dizziness are all symptoms you may experience before the fear sets in. In the end, any uncomfortable sensation that is realized which makes you become fearful for your life is considered a symptom of anxiety, and therefore should be treated as such until you can confirm your suspicions.

Because so many symptoms that are realized during an anxiety attack are similar if not exactly like those of some other kind of condition, it is almost impossible to determine if what you have been feeling is due to anxiety attacks, or another condition. This is why it's important to see a doctor and explain your symptoms, so that your physician can run the necessary tests in determining whether you have an underlying medical condition that needs to be dealt with or whether it is more than likely anxiety you are dealing with at which point you can work with your doctor in finding ways to control it.

Once you and your doctor have worked together you can be on the way to resolving your trouble. If it is an anxiety attack there are many approaches you can take to help. Discuss your approach with your doctor. In many cases awareness is the first step you can take to stop your anxiety. Check back, as I will be posting other articles on anxiety and will include some of my own experiences.

I have posted a link at the top of my website for a book and audio clips that has help many people to overcome there anxiety and stress. It strongly recommend this guide.

Feel free to visit some of my sites <a href="" title="Stop Anxiety Now">Stop Anxiety Now</a> and <a href="" title="Stop Panic Attacks">Stop Panic Attacks</a>

Stressful Moments - How To Cope Rather Than Live in Hope For A Cure

Why do we get stressed is a common question asked when looking for answers behind stressful moments. What a major breakthrough that would be if we could pinpoint exactly what it is that triggers these stressful bouts - but because we all differ in so many ways then trying to decipher what brings these moments to ahead can be very difficult.

Stressful moments can be brought on by many happenings or mishaps. In a stressful situation a sufferer may feel and experience loss of control of their body actions and emotions which they find is out of their jurisdiction. Stress hormones escalate out of control - this then activates an energetic flush of hormone release which speeds up the beat of the heart to pump faster which then causes muscle tension followed by accelerated breathing. These are not unusual reactions when stressful moments kick in

Other painful ailments suffered by a patient suffering from stress is migraine, back ache, palpitations, perspiration and high blood pressure - these symptoms are all common partners of stress. (Not in everyone) You may find a change in personality where you become touchy and irritable. Different reactions for different people - in some people the effects of stress may contribute to why they develop ulcers cold sores, and heart disease. Once again this does not apply to every one.

There are many stress related factors but the two main stressors are the internal an external - the outer one of the two can be brought on by a bereavement, debt or even a break up of a long time relationship. The other stress factor is where you yourself instigate the situation furthermore by forcefully contributing with the intake of certain matters that are not agreeable to the condition. Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and many more along with environmental toxins are all chemical substances to be avoided because of how they exhaust the body of energy.

Cutting down or cutting out on your intake of these sources is not the cure but most definitely soothes the condition from flaring up to stages of severity. However, there are various techniques used to help combat stressful moments.

If you can label and identify the reason to why your physical and mental doings take place then there is a possibility that you can calm the condition. By ignoring the signs and symptoms of stress you may hamper your chances of ever having peace of mind thus intensifying the pain causing unnecessary suffering.

 Proven techniques practiced to today by millions to help with stress relief and pressure is to take up yoga exercise. Exercise therapy controls the build up of stress hormones. Mental exercises like Yoga meditation is a form of mind control exercise. By controlling the nervous system with relaxation classes you claim back control of your life - your emotions - your feelings - your actions and all because you did it the natural way.

Yoga is a natural remedy that is helping people to cope instead of living in hope for a cure. (Depending on the severity of stress or any other illness)

St John's Wort Benefits and Side Effects

What is St John's Wort?
Extracts of Hypericum perforatum L. (St John's wort) are now successfully competing for status as a standard antidepressant therapy. Because of this, great effort has been devoted to identifying the active antidepressant compounds in the extract. From a phytochemical point of view, St John's wort is one of the best-investigated medicinal plants. Researchers in Europe have studied St John's Wort for decades. They discovered a combination of elements in the plant, foremost of which is "hypericin", react with specific chemicals in the brain to temper emotional discomfort, lift depression, and calm the nerves. Working very much like the common synthetic prescription antidepressants (maprotiline hydrochloride and imipramine), natural extracts from St. John's Wort have shown to relax and soothe the psyche with minimal side effects

St John's Wort Benefits
St. Johns Wort today has been found to be very beneficial in healing wounds and is especially good for dirty, septic wounds. St. Johns Wort has been used in case of putrid leg ulcers, that noting heals. Like the leach that was used not too many years ago for wound cleansing it does not destroy the healthy tissues and healthy cells but it cleans the dirt out of septic wounds. It helps reduce the inflammation in septic sores, in boils, in cellulite and lymhangitis.

The compound Hypericin was isolated from St. Johns Wort in 1942 and has been used as an anti-depressant for emotionally disturbed people. This tranquilizing quality from small quantities hypericin increase blood flow to stressed tissue. There is a reduced capillary fragility and enhanced uterine tone due to the increased Hypotensive blood flow.

St John's Wort Side Effects
The use of St. Johns Wort has been shown to demonstrate a side effect producing a photosensitivity. Hypericin is absorbed in the intestines and concentrates near the skin. An allergic reaction takes place when those with light fair skin are exposed sunlight. That exposure causes tissue damage and in some cases death has resulted. While taking St. Johns Wort one should avoid strong sunlight whether the skin is dark or light. There is a photosensitizing substance produced under the skin by this exposure to sunlight that causes the skin to burn.

• relieves mild to moderate depression and anxiety.
• promotes restful sleep.
• improves capillary circulation.
• increases cardiac circulation.
• eases gastrointestinal distress.
• relieves discomfort associated with premenstrual syndrome.
• fights retroviruses.

Solutions For Depression

This article is aimed at helping people who are often in a state of depression. I have had many of periods in my life where I have found it difficult to carry on and where in truth I have wished that my life would just end.

Depression affects people in many different ways. From a personal note it affects my sleep patterns and makes the smallest things irritate me. I have even been sick in the morning after spending the night worrying about my present situation.

Most of the time I am not so much depressed at what is happening now but am fearing what might happen in the future. This fear may be about financial matters, a social occasion, health or about my family.

I had basically had enough of constantly being depressed, about being in fear of the future and needed to learn about how to control my depression.

After seeking inspiration from a variety of sources, I had what I hoped was enough ammunition to keep my fears and phobias at bay. I will at times have an off day where I feel quite low and this is where I use my new found knowledge.

How to control your depression

I am a very quiet person and I like to keep myself to myself. Some would say that I border on being a loner, which I would quite agree with. Too many people have hurt me throughout my life and to tell you the truth I prefer being on my own. I am not a peoples person.

I also like to keep my problems to myself. This was my biggest failure, what I needed to do was to talk through my problems and fears with somebody else, a member of my family for example.

This was not easy for me to do and it took a great deal of courage to talk to anybody about the areas of my life which made me feel depressed. I did however go down this route and it did have a positive effect. To talk about my problems was like taking a weight off my shoulders.

The person I confided in was my father. He listened and then came back with some superb advice and a couple of suggestions of what I could do.

This is my second piece of advice. We need to spend less time worrying and more time seeking solutions to our problems. We need to ask ourselves why we are depressed and what can help us to remedy our issues.

My father also stated that I should only do things and go to places that I wanted to. I have always found it hard to turn down invitations to for example a party and have found myself often somewhere that I do not in reality want to be.

He also told me about one of his friends. His name was Mike and he had just been diagnosed with cancer. The doctors had told Mike that he only has a maximum of six months to live and he is only fifty-nine. He asked me to imagine how he must be feeling.

I went home and thought about Mike, I was sure that he would love to swap shoes with me. It is not just about Mike, he has a wife and three children, what must they be going through. I started to appreciate my own health and that of my family a bit more.

By opening up and talking about why I was depressed was the best thing I ever did and is something I will continue to do. My dad certainly helped me to think in a more positive way.

This advice I am sure will not help every person who is depressed as depression is an illness. It has however helped me and I am hoping it will be of benefit to others.

Simple Post-Partum Depression Cures

Post-Partum Depression is a debilitating, albeit extremely common, condition that affects new mothers everywhere. Medication is of course one of the standard remedies, but before you opt for it, there are other, simpler solutions which could very well get you back on your feet without modifying your metabolism.. Here are several of them, drawn from accounts of actual users:

> Go to bed early and try to get a good night’s sleep

> Lie down next to your heater vent and feel its comforting warmth

> Stroll in the park amongst the ducks, watching what they do

> Do things with your hands, perhaps a craft

> Work in the garden, watering plants and pulling up weeds; each is calming in its own way

> Buy yourself a fancy cup of coffee, savor it’s fine taste and aroma

> Play with your kids and make plans with them for what you will do together when you are feeling better

> See a therapist regularly and make sure you are totally candid with him

> See a doctor regularly and make sure you are totally candid with him

> Stay away from alcohol and other depressants

> Have a relaxing bubble bath or a shower with something sweet to eat and drink; play soothing music while you are bathing

> Keep a journal about your feelings: it helps to externalize them

> Exercise regularly: this releases feel-good chemicals (endorphins) into your bloodstream

> Join and participate in online forums for post-partum depression; discuss your problem with others who have it, seek their advice and enjoy the comfort of a loving community

> Take part in activities with family and friends

> Read a good book

> Go visiting

> Call a close friend and talk to her/him

> Go for a drive

> Bake something; this will direct your attention to a subject other than parenting and refresh your mind

> Call your mom and talk to her about your problem. This could be the single most effective therapy for your situation, because she loves you, is deeply concerned about you and will make time to listen to you

> Ask your mom to visit for some days. She could help with your chores and thus create some personal time for you to do the other things mentioned here

> Put baby in her stroller and go out for a walk

> Let yourself wallow for a bit with no pressure and all pleasure - stay in your PJs, eat junk food, mope a bit

> Cuddle with your kids and if you feel like it, have a good cry while doing so. Realize there are people who truly love you (can't help but feel happy when your kids are giggling and rolling on the floor with you)

> Go to the beach if there is one nearby – look at the ocean and breathe the sea air

> Go shopping (nothing like good old-fashioned retail therapy!), or go window-shopping

> Have a long, deep chat with your dear husband, followed by a long, long cuddle and sweet kisses!

Signs Of Depression

When it comes to treating depression, the best course of action is a treatment program that is initiated before a depressive illness becomes too severe. Therefore, it is important for a person to understand and appreciate the telltale signs of depression.

When a discussion turns to the signs of depression, many people slough off the talk, concluding that they do not have to worry about the signs of depression let alone the disease of depression. In point of fact, a majority of people will experience at least one major depressive episode at least once in their lifetimes. Therefore, it is important for everyone to understand at least on a basic level the signs of depression.

One of the major signs of depression is a sudden lack of energy. A depressed person will find his or her self feeling lethargic nearly all of the time. Coupled with the feeling of lethargy as one of the signs of depression, a person afflicted with depression will find his or her sleeping habits distorted.

As signs of depression go, the distortion of sleeping habits of a person who is depressed can take to divergent forms. On the one hand, a person may find his or her self sleeping far more than had historically been normal in his or her life. On the other hand, a person afflicted with depression may find his or her self having a hard time to sleep. (Lack of sleep can further aggravate a depressive illness. While sleeping more than normal can impact a person’s life on a number of levels, it will not necessarily directly aggravate a depressive disease. However, as has been mentioned, being unable to sleep in a sound and appropriate manner will accelerate the symptoms of a depressive illness significantly.)

Another of the signs of depression is a change in appetite. As with sleep patterns, the signs of depression associated with appetite can take two very divergent forms. On the one hand, there are people who are suffering from depression who reduce their intake of food markedly. At the other end of the spectrum, one of the signs of depression can be overeating, particularly when a person is not actually hungry.

One of the signs of depression is a growing lack of attention to personal hygiene and grooming. A person who is depressed loses interest in his or her personal presentation. In addition, these people sometimes feel that they simply lack the energy to work their way through their typical hygienic and grooming routines.

The signs of depression also include a person losing interest in activities and pastimes that he or she once enjoyed. One of the signs of depression related to loss of interested in pastimes and activities is isolation. A depressed person oftentimes will isolate his or her self from friends and family members for extended periods of time.

One of the signs of depression includes disorganization. A person who is depressed may seem scattered and absentminded. That person may also become less than diligent in the management of his or her finances.

Seven Tips to Rescue Christmas from Bipolar Disorder

Christmas can be a nightmare for people with bipolar disorder. As the philosopher Posidonius observed in the fourth century, ‘Melancholy occurs in autumn whereas mania in summer.’ Here downunder in Australia, Christmas is summer time, party time, spending time, hurry time, family time. This is a potent mix of triggers and seasonal vulnerability and many of us do fall over with mania. Friends and family don’t always recognise Christmas mania, because symptoms such as excessive drinking, lavish spending, staying up late at functions, and being in a hurry are features of the season. The stress involved with ‘having’ to buy Christmas presents and ‘having’ to get together with family, along with summer-time vulnerability make Christmas a bipolar nightmare in the southern hemisphere.

It’s not much better up north. Since the fourth century we haven’t come much further than Posidonius except to declare there is such a thing as Seasonal Affective Disorder. It seems the number of hours of daylight you experience is related to your likelihood of getting depressed in winter. The closer you are to the poles, the better your chances.

Then there are seasonal triggers, such as figuring out how to buy presents on a tight budget. If you’re depressed, the ubiquitous expectation to be happy (just because it’s Christmas) only makes things worse. 

Short of walking around with a sunlight-emitting lamp strapped to your forehead, or cutting up your credit card, what can you do about seasonal episodes of bipolar? Here are some quick tips to rescue Christmas.

1.    Maintain your daily sleep/wake routine. Use medicine if you have to;

2.    Keep in control of drinking. If you suddenly start a binge, it could be a major alert of an episode;

3.    Make a Christmas shopping list and don’t buy anything not on the list!

4.    Ask your partner or friend to help you stick to a budget;

5.    Keep up medication;

6.    Check in with your doctor or mental health worker as soon as you or someone close notices symptoms;

7.    Keep away from any ‘toxic’ family members (you know who they are).

No plan is failsafe, but then again, having no plan is like going out without an umbrella on a stormy day. You can live well with bipolar, and Christmas doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Plan ahead and have a healthy, happy Christmas.

Searching for a Sign of Anxiety Attacks

Searching for a sign of anxiety attacks is kind of looking for a needle in a haystack. The thing it is not quite as concrete. At least with the needle, once you've found it you know that it's a needle; it feels like a needle, it looks like a needle, and it likely is a needle. With a of anxiety attacks, it could just as likely be a symptom to a great misdiagnosed problem as it could be a sign of anxiety attacks. Seeking good professional help is the most important key to solving this mystery.

Fear is your body's natural reaction to a lot of outside stimuli. It is normal for the body to react in such a way as to become anxious or fearful because this often protected our ancestors from a lot of problems and harm. It is not normal, however, for our bodies to be overtaken with fear to the point that physical symptoms begin to arise because of it. When this happens, it is usually the sign of a larger problem.

There are many common types of anxiety: fear, panic, worry, dread, obsession, and compulsion are just a few. Clearly, anxiety comes in a variety of forms and is not only represented by fear. It is also quite common. Most people experience anxiety in some form, experiencing it before or after stressful situations like a traumatic event or an important meeting with the boss of your company. Other times the anxiety comes quickly and without warning and for no reason at all.

Anxiety can Affect your Relationships

An anxiety disorder is a more disabling feeling of anxiety that actually is constant and consuming. Anxiety disorder causes people to completely withdraw emotionally and often physically from their family and friends. It can cause people to withdraw indoors and avoid social activities for reasons involving fear. An anxiety attack, conversely, is an unexpected episode that usually involves fear as oppose to an overwhelming feeling.

A sign of anxiety attacks can be anything from irregular heartbeats to chest pain. They also include: shaking, twitching, trembling, hot flashes, chills, “rubber legs”, tingling in extremities, difficulty sleeping, unpredictable sleeping patterns, body tension, aches and pains, sweating, clamminess, and stomach problems such as nausea or “butterflies”.

There are also emotional signs including: fearfulness, a feeling of terror, insecurity, incredible self-consciousness, irritability, apprehension, dread, a desire to escape, a feeling you are going to perish, and other frightening emotions. These emotions are sometimes very hard to deal with. It is always recommended that you discuss your findings and experience with your doctor. Your doctor can direct you in the right direction for getting help and ending your anxiety.

Feel free to visit some of my sites <a href="" title="Stop Anxiety Attacks">Stop Anxiety Attacks</a> and <a href="" title="Stop Anxiety Now">Stop Anxiety Now</a>

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Tanning Salons

With the arrival of the cold season, besides cold-driven nuisance, some persons experience drawbacks regarding the general state, lack of energy and <b>depression of unknown origin</b>. It was scientifically ascertained that the <b>lack of light favors the production of melatonin</b> by the pineal gland, a hormone inducing sleep. That is why, during the cold seasons when days are shorter and the sunlight is scarce, we often feel sleepy or drowsy. Also, even during spring and summer, if the tendency is to keep most of the time indoors at home or at the office, the effect may be similar, though not as severe.

Well, if drowsiness were the only impact generated by season changes, things would be easier to solve (with a little coffee maybe!). The problem is that melatonin secretion is synchronized with the production of a neurotransmitter, serotonin, which is involved in several physiological processes such as temperature, blood-pressure regulation and in neuropsychological functions such as appetite, memory and mood. The two do not work together at the same time. When melatonin is secreted, serotonin production is inhibited. <b>Lack of serotonin causes disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome</b> and reflects its effects on mood also, triggering depression in some persons.

Melatonin is active at night and serotonin is active in the daytime. Also, there is the age factor that contributes to the balance of the two chemicals: the secretion of melatonin decreases with age. There has been established that the link between serotonin and melatonin along with their dependence on the body clock may explain the depression experienced by the people suffering from the <b>disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder - SAD</b>. Depression, sleep problems, weight gain, anxiety, joint pain, irritability, stress, headaches are some of the symptoms that may appear when we suffer from SAD.

The problem is primarily caused by the lack of sunlight. It has been scientifically proven that sunlight favors increase in serotonin levels and favors vitamin D accumulation. Besides having anti-osteoporotic, immunomodulatory, anticarcinogenic, antipsoriatic, antioxidant properties, <b>vitamin D is also a mood-modulator</b>.

UV rays exposure favors vitamin D synthesis in the skin. That is why persons who go to <b>tanning salons</b> have noticed mood improvement and keep the habit in order to maintain the state of well-being. However, it is common knowledge that the effects of the UV exposure are not always the most desirable ones. If going to <b>tanning salons</b> becomes a habit, then recurrent, prolonged UV exposure may result in consequences such as premature skin aging and eventually skin cancer.

<b>Light therapy</b> represents a way to treat SAD. Light operates on the body in two ways: through skin impact or by entering your eyes. Only UV light has effects on the skin, while the light that has effects by entering your eyes needs not be UV, it just has to be bright.  Its energizing effect comes from the fact that it stimulates the production of serotonin. The simplest way to get enough bright light is to spend an hour a day or more outdoors, where the light levels range from 1,000 to 50,000 lux or more, compared to room lighting, which is about 50-200 lux.

If your schedule or the weather does not permit it, an alternative is to purchase a <b>light therapy device</b>. For optimum effects, the light source either has to be very bright - 5,000 lux or more - or it has to be in a particular spectrum - around 460 nanometers, which is in the blue range. According to new research, blue range light will provide benefits even if at a dimmer level. Most companies producing light bulbs make full spectrum lights that may successfully replace sunlight.

Yet, there are side effects that bright artificial light may induce, namely it may interfere with sleep (especially when exposure is made in the evening hours) or even trigger in some people a mania - condition called bipolar disorder (known as manic depression).

<b>The safest remains the natural outdoor light</b>, on condition that UV protection is used.

Run For Your Life From The Mental Illness Ghetto

‘Who put the boys in the club house? You did, baby, you did.’

The song ‘Keep a Lid on Things’ by the Crash Test Dummies sums it up. Psychiatric rehabilitation organisations are often there to simply keep a lid on things (clients’ behaviour) rather than to get them back in the mainstream of society. Their stated aims are often vastly different from the actual outcomes.

Does the ghetto keep you sick? So it seems. Last year an Australian research team interviewed people who had bipolar disorder, and one of the findings was stunning—people who did not use psychiatric rehabilitation services tended to stay well longer than those who did*.

If you’re coming out of a bipolar crisis, perhaps just out of hospital, it’s worth questioning the value of rehabilitation. If the only place you go is the mental health clinic, you surround yourself with others who are sick. It becomes comfortable, you make friends, there’s no challenge, and you will find over time that you become nervous about venturing into mainstream activities, like ringing up about a job, or going back to your sporting club. The longer you are inside the ghetto the harder it is to break out. Your confidence disappears. People share stories of being victimised and discriminated against and this shores up your growing sense that it’s too hard ‘out there’. You conclude you should stay in rehab.

The religion editor of my city’s broadsheet wrote this last month:

‘Victimhood is a bad address. It's a dangerous and delusory place and definitely the wrong side of the tracks. Unfortunately, far too many people live there.

Even if you really are a victim, you have to move out. Victimhood offers an odd but counterfeit comfort, where nothing is your own responsibility, where life is something that is done to you by others, and is beyond your control, yet you can enjoy the moral high ground... It's a short step from victimhood to paranoia.’**

Zwartz was writing about race riots in Sydney, but these words resonated with my experience of the mental health lobby. Victimhood leads to a sense of futility, a wariness that prevents fair assertion of our wishes. Countless so-called advocacy organizations work in the short term, never daring to jeopardize their funding by pursuing the big picture, the dream.

‘Consumer’ organizations fare no better. Consumer organizations are beset with ineptitude not because of illness, nor because of lack of skills and intelligence. The one thing that undoes the political work of consumer organizations is the prevalence of victimhood. These organizations include many people who have been actually victimized, but too many are stuck in the ghetto and exhibit ongoing ‘victim behavior’. If you cast yourself as a victim, your requests will never be taken seriously—you’re too easy to say ‘no’ to.

I believe this is a reason that mental health funding around the developed world is far lower than funding for the equivalent level of burden of disease in general health. For example, In Australia it is only 8% of the total health budget compared with the OCED average of 12%.

SANE Australia reported last year that stigma was the villain of the piece, and produced startling evidence to support the view.

In Australia there have been eight State or national inquiries in the last twelve years. Each time puny progress is made but the underlying flaw (lack of funding) is perpetuated. As Einstein supposedly said: ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ We need to do something different. Here is my suggestion:

•    Get out of the ghetto and into the mainstream.
•    Do stuff that doesn’t involve mental health
•    When you have gotten rid of your victim outlook, start demanding fair funding for mental health in your country. Follow up, don’t take no for an answer, and incite all your friends and relations to do the same.
•    If your consumer organisation has a victim outlook, you could try to change it, but expect resistance. People can be codependent on their organizations.

*Russell, S J and Browne, J L 'Staying well with bipolar disorder' Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 39:187–193.

**Barney Zwartz, The Age, Melbourne Australia 15 December 2005

Recognizing the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a treatable brain disorder marked by extreme shifts in a person's mood and disposition. Periods of intense mania are followed by bouts of severe depression, often with periods of normalcy in between. While on either end of the spectrum, sufferers of bipolar disorder often find it difficult to concentrate and maintain functionality sufficient for leading a productive life. Those who experience severe episodes of depression and hypomania are classified as suffering from bipolar II disorder, which women are diagnosed with more often than men. It is estimated that over two million Americans have a form of bipolar disorder, although many may be unaware of it. Bipolar disorder can develop at any time, however, most will experience the onset of symptoms in the post adolescence/early adulthood phase of their life. Fortunately, bipolar disorder can be treated but must be managed for long term success. Recognizing the symptoms of bipolar disorder is often the first step toward proper diagnosis and treatment.

The manic phases of bipolar disorder can be marked by an increase in energy, restlessness, irritability, the inability to concentrate, aggressiveness, euphoria, irrational thought and limited sleep, among other symptoms. The depression phase of bipolar disorder can be marked by feelings of sadness, guilt, helplessness, pessimism and agitation, as well as weight fluctuation, disturbed sleep patterns and a loss of interest in life. Suicidal thoughts may be present during prolonged periods of depression as well. 

The importance of recognizing the symptoms of bipolar disorder cannot be overstated as many who suffer from it are improperly diagnosed because of the nature of their condition. Sufferers may feel that the extreme shifts in mood they are experiencing are simply the ebb and flow of life. They may seek help during periods of depression and not disclose their manic behavior because they associate it with happiness or normalcy. Recent attention paid to bipolar disorder and bipolar II disorder in the media, however, has helped to educate the population. Just as both forms of bipolar disorder have become more widely recognized by the medical community, the general public is also more aware than ever of their existence. Guidance is available for those who exhibit some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder as there are now many excellent resources for detailed information, both in print and on the web. Anyone who feels they may be suffering from bipolar disorder should always consult their physician. With proper treatment, those who have experienced the debilitating nature of this affliction can go on to lead healthy, productive lives.

Reduce Depression With These Free Tips

In this article, I am going to explain methods on how to reduce depression. There are ever increasing daily pressures facing people and it is very easy to become down and depressed. I am a person who was often feeling low, sorry for myself and basically was very unhappy, however I have now managed to pull my life around and am now able to cope and enjoy what life brings. I hope you enjoy reading the article and if you are one of the many people who suffer from depression, I hope the advice is beneficial.

My name is Stephen Hill and I am from England. Looking back on my life, as I often do, I now find it hard to believe the way in which I used to think and approach life. I was a very negative person, I would stress about seemingly everything and believed that I was so unfortunate compared to other people.

I would always be comparing my life with those of my friends and family. These people seemed to really enjoy life and did not seem to have a care in the world. I, on the other hand had many issues to deal, with which made life one big struggle. I was unable to talk fluently due to a stammering problem, this stammer caused me many traumas and made me into a very quiet and shy person. This issue alone made me very depressed and made socialising very difficult. I am sure you can imagine the effect it had on my self-confidence and self-esteem.

These were the other issues I had to contend with:

A constant battle with my weight, I was far to over-weight most of the time, this I believe was because I sought comfort in the way of food.

My height, I was the shortest male in my class in high school, this for whatever reason made me feel less of a man and less attractive to members of the opposite sex.

My bald patch, this seems so trivial now, however this area of my scalp where hair does not grow caused me many anxieties, especially when I was a teenager.

Enough is enough.

In my early twenties, I decided that I had had enough of being miserable and depressed. I wanted to be happy and content. I then made a decision to attempt to improve my life, I was going to hopefully achieve this by reading about successful people, and by learning more about depression, positive thinking and ways to improve self-confidence. I spent many months doing this and the results have changed my whole life.

What I needed to do, was not to compare my life to people just in my circle, but to compare it to everyone in the world. I started to read and find out about how people lived in different parts of the world. Watching the news each day would keep me abreast of current affairs. Some of the stories and the way in which people live came not so much as a shock, but as a wake up call to me. I would not want to swap my life with theirs, that is for sure.

The problems that I had or thought I had, were now so small compared to what other people have to cope with, and it actually made me feel quite grateful. I have a weight problem, this is something of my own doing and something which I can change, if I am determined enough. Even though I stammer, I can still converse, I may even be able to cure the stammer, which I now have. I was now suddenly feeling more positive and was now able to seek solutions to my issues.

I have now achieved fluency and am now at a weight that I am happy with, however I could not do anything about my lack of height or about the bald patch. This is not a worry to me, as I am now happy with my height and I show everybody who I meet my bald patch, like I am proud of it.

In conclusion, it is time to pull ourselves out of our depression by becoming stronger, by thinking in a more positive manner, by trying to find solutions to our problems and by realising that in fact we are one of the lucky ones.

Prevention of Suicide is Everybody's Business

Prevention of Suicide is Everybody's Business

We are losing approximate one million human lives a year worldwide due to suicidal deaths. It is not only the case of death and births subject, which keeps statistics of human counts. Today is September10, an international suicide prevention day . International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) a world health organization's help group is seriously working on this subject. Now days we are passing through commercialization/Industrialization/capitalist regime, western countries has experienced it much earlier then us. They are facing bio products of this so called revolution as suicidal syndrome in these societies. Developed nations has high suicidal death rate than those developing nations which are passing through commercialization/Industrialization but rate are on rising side for developing nations if not minded will lead towards infinity.

As our Indian society is going through these conditions most affected are those urban areas where commercialization/Industrialization has taken place. Cut throat competitions in every sphere of life lead to mental pressure on these citizens. When our mind could not able to cope up with these men made pressures resulted into a suicide. It is not merely a criminal physical action but result of mental malfunction, which comes into health domain. It should be treated as well established man made disease like HIV/AIDS. Today its occurrence is approximate one million worldwide but it is still more lives lost than

•  In all wars and homicides worldwide every year.

•  Three times the catastrophic loss of human lives in the tragic Tsunami disaster.

. One suicide represents

•  A lost life, lost talents, lost creativity, lost contribution made to society.

•  A lost son or daughter, a lost father or mother, a lost friend or colleague.

•  A wound that does not easily heal in those who left behind.

The health administrators in developing nations are not giving attention on this especially in country like India and china are in transformation era of commercialization /Industrialization/capitalist regime in check list. As in case of HIV/AIDS origin was in western part of globe (developed nations). It remained confined till it was in this part of world. When it reached in Asia the population basket of world it becomes manifold in its number in few years. Similar to this suicidal syndrome which is resultant of commercialization/Industrialization/capitalist regime, western countries has experienced it much earlier then us. It is now time to keep check on this syndrome otherwise HIV/AIDS type threat to human races is in waiting in coming year in our part of world.

Last not least is national level initiatives to fight against suicidal syndrome at medical and social fronts should be included in national health programme.

Why prevention of suicide is everybody business?

Answer to this is of English poet John Donne

“ No man is an island, entire of itself…..any man's death diminish me, because I am involve in mankind; and therefore never send to whom the bell toll; it toll for thee”.

Dinesh Singh Rawat
Special correspondent

Postpartum Depression - Coping with the Baby Blues

Postpartum depression, or peripartum depresion occurs after a woman gives birth. Within a few hours of giving birth the amount of the two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, return to their pre pregnancy levels. Many researchers feel that this drop in hormone levels, much like the smaller changes in hormone levels can affect a womans mood just before her menstrual cycle, is one of the causes of postpartum depression.

In some women the levels of thyroid hormones decrease as well. This decrease in these hormones can lead to symptoms of depression too. Some of these symptoms include a depressed mood, a loss of interest in daily things, problems sleeping and fatigue, irritability and weight gain.

Another factor that can lead to postpartum depression is genetics. This type of depression can be passed down from mother to daughter. There is also a correlation between postpartum depression and women who suffer from severe premenstrual syndrome.

Postpartum depsression is also known as the baby blues and one in ten new mothers suffer from this to one degree or another. In addition to the drastic changes in hormone levels, the presence of a new baby in the house is also a major factor in postpartum depression. A new baby can be a major stress on a new mom and this can factor into becoming depressed. Some of these factors include:

Having less free time then before the baby was born and an inability to control the time needed to get things done. The baby demands all the mothers attention, leaving little time for herself.

Going through labor is extremely stressful and tiring for a new mom. A new mom does not have time to regain her strength post delivery because of the demands and needs of the new baby. Just getting a good nights sleep is nearly impossible with late night feedings and diaper changes.

Many new mothers question their own ability to be a good mom. They become overwhelmed with the care the new baby needs and start to worry that they aren't providing the care their baby needs.

For new moms, postpartum depression can occur with a feeling that they are no longer who they used to be. Their old schedule and ways of doing things have been replaced by the needs of their new baby. They can also feel like they have to do it all and try to take care of the new baby while doing all the things they used to do. This can be very overwhelming because chances are the care of the new baby will not allow them to accomplish all that they think they should.

New moms can also become disconnected from their partner and family. They find that their time is limited and they just don't have time to spend with the rest of their family.

For most women the "baby blues" will usually go away as their hormone levels get back to normal. But for some women the depression associated with a new baby does not go away and can steadily get worse. It is very important that women who experince any kind of depression after child birth talk to their doctor right away. Most cases of postpartum depression can be dealt with with medication and some counseling.

Pregnancy Depression: What it is and how to deal with it…naturally.

Pregnancy is a period in a woman’s life when needless to say, several internal and external changes are occurring on a daily basis. There is a life, a whole new person growing inside of you and when this person is born, he or she will be totally helpless and dependent on you. To some women, this is a source of joy and excitement as they anticipate the responsibility of motherhood-especially the first time, to others; it is a source of a particular type of depression: Pregnancy Depression.

Although pregnancy depression can be triggered by the pregnancy and associated factors itself, it may be as a result of a previous state of other forms of depression. This is why being depressed while being pregnant should be addressed and approached differently.

What must be of uttermost concern is : there is a life inside of you, consequently, extra care must be taken on how to treat pregnancy depression as anything you ingest does have the tendency of getting into your baby’s bloodstream.

To this effect some women, after discovering the side-effects of several of the so-called anti-depression drugs, make the decision to cease the use of some popular depression medications even as they may be going through pregnancy depression. Perhaps the fear of exposing their babies to the numerous side-effects of depression drugs may be the main concern. Well, it’s safe to say this may be a wise choice. However, what can one do as an alternative for treating depression during pregnancy?

There are other options.

Pregnancy Depression: Options for Natural Treatment

Based on research before even getting on the computer to type up this article, to confirm my convictions on drug-free healing for human ailments, the following three limbs of drug-less healing may be sufficient as pregnancy depression treatment options and I will have you know after the delivery of your child, they can still be used effectively in place of synthetic, side-effect laden depression drugs.

-Proper Exercise: This method exercises the motor centers of the brain, making the blood flow away from the emotional activity center; consequently one becomes more receptive to positive thoughts. Though I personally recommend yoga for its numerous therapeutic effects on depression, depending on the stage of your pregnancy, it may not be the safest choice, at least not while you’re pregnant. However, there are some poses you can use that alleviate pregnancy depression and actually will strengthen the lower body in preparation for childbirth. They include: The ‘corpse/relaxation pose’, the ‘Diamond/Vajrasana Pose’, The ‘Eagle Pose’, ‘Lord of the Dance Pose’, ‘Tree Pose’ and Simple ‘Yogic Square breathing exercises’. Of course, exercises of the western culture such as walking, use of treadmills, bikes and things of that nature can be incorporated as alternatives for exercise.

-Proper Diet:
Ladies (and expectant dads who may read this) think about this quote by the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates: “let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your foods…” Needless to say for your health and that of the baby’s, it will be essential that you eat properly. This includes knowing what, when and how to eat even the proper foods for nourishment.

-Positive Thinking:
 “Be renewed by the transformation of your thoughts” (Rom 12:2)
That quote says it all. What and how you think plays a very important role on your life and how you view it. This also dictates your actions towards fixing the things that may be causing or aggravating your depression during pregnancy. Read up on self-help books, your religious books (if applicable) and helpful media sources that advocates and promotes positive thinking.

Pregnancy depression, like other forms of depression, can be controlled and ultimately overcome. Empower yourself with the necessary knowledge and tools needed to accomplish this. It is my hope that this article will be helpful in that regards.

Postpartum Depression

Women around the globe are resenting the day that their bodies will go through a transformation.

When postpartum depression kicks in women often feel sluggish, unconnected to reality, and often undergo several other symptoms that include depression.

Women that undergo postpartum depression (PPD) often go through bouts of crying uncontrollable and very seldom do they understand the cause. There thinking is often irrational and their emotions are often tangled. One minute they are struggling to go to sleep and the next minute they can’t seem to wake up.

Once a baby is born the family, friends, mother and so forth a suppose to join in a joyful expedition. Sometimes mothers go through postpartum depression however, and the birth seems more like a curse than a joyous moment.

Instead of sharing a happy moment mothers often feel a sense of guilt because they simply because they may resent the birth of their baby. All of a sudden, you begin feeling sadness, despair, worthlessness, and insomnia kicks in.

Then you go through panic attacks while feeling a sense of shame. In addition, it doesn’t stop there. Next you begin feeling fear of loosing control of your actions, you start feeling like your mind is tumbling, and your concentration has vanished. Still, you feel nausea, agitated, your heart races, and you breathing is complicated. The symptoms are increasing as you feel an imbalance level of worry toward your child, hopelessness since you have no control, exhausted from all the mental changes, and suicidal because you see no way out.

The battle is just beginning. Mothers than suffer from postpartum depression often have an underlying psychological impairment, possible biological imbalances, including Posttraumatic Stress if the mother undergoes a horrible birthing. Most professionals will treat postpartum depression with antidepressants combining it with therapy.

It is important for mothers with postpartum depression to seek help immediately, since the diagnose does not only affect the patient, it affects everyone around you, including your baby. Babies need their mother, and when the mother is unable to provide emotional nourishment and loving care, and then a baby will suffer as it grows into adulthood.

Just like any diagnose there are triggers that may interrupt the mother, including difficult births, isolating one self, death, changes in living arrangements, hereditary, financial difficulties and so forth. Unfortunately, some of these triggers are going to happen.

Most therapists have found treating women with postpartum depression, treating them with antidepressants and therapy has worked wonders. Recently studies are finding that depression may also be treated with Electromagnetic therapy. Scientists are constantly searching for a solution to treat depression so the end of the world hasn’t arrived.

There is hope. Studies have also shown that writing down your episodes, feelings and so forth is a great therapeutic relief. Talking is also a great source for eliminating stress, which is often linked to depression. It is important to get regular checkups after your baby is born to eliminate biological reasoning for the postpartum depression.

In most cases, doctors may prescribe Valiums, Prozac, or Zoloft. It depends on the person, but for some mothers one or the other medications work, while others have no results. If you are suffering postpartum depression, it is also important for the family to offer support and understanding.

Since, you may have suicidal thoughts the last thing anyone needs to do is push you over the edge. It is also important that the resentment you feel is not necessary toward your baby. It could be that you resent an area of your life, or an occurrence and the baby seems to be the target.

You might want to try listening to easy music when you feel a sense of loss, or episodes of the diagnose erupt. Music has proven to heal the soul. In addition, you might want to start exercising since this too has proven to do wonders with people that suffer mental or physical illnesses. Exercise relieves the mind often because you are doing something to better yourself and improve your health.

Therefore, if you are in postpartum depression, there are answers and you should never give up hope!

PCP: Effects of Deadly Angel Dust Addiction

What is PCP, exactly? While developed during the 50’s to be used as anesthesia, phencyclidine, or PCP, has never made it to the market for human use. Due to the erratic side effects, it was deemed illegal. Now going by such street names as angel dust, rocket fuel, and wack, PCP is sold as an illicit substance, and a very dangerous one at that.

Effects of PCP

People who use PCP experience different sensations. Most commonly, users experience a disassociation of time and space from where and when they are at the current moment. While high on PCP, a person may feel weightless, euphoric or even experience hallucinations. Many times, abusers of this drug suddenly feel paranoid due to disturbing hallucinations.

While people use PCP to get high, they often do not expect the severe side effects that can come along with it. For instance, a bad reaction to angel dust could include seizures, violent aggressiveness and even death.

PCP Abuse

PCP can be used in many ways, including swallowing the drug in pill or capsule form, or drinking a liquid. The PCP drug can also be taken through injection or by snorting it in powder form. PCP is also combined with other drugs to create even more dangerous substances, one of which is called “killer weed” which is a marijuana joint laced with PCP. The process of adding PCP to another drug is called “dusting.”

Signs of PCP Abuse

While many of the effects of PCP are only noticeable to the user of the illicit substance, there are many indications that can make someone high on PCP fairly obvious, such as slurred speech, involuntary movement of the eyes, dizziness, amnesia and many of the symptoms of schizophrenia. In fact, some people who experience adverse reactions to PCP can become psychotic to the point where their symptoms are identical to those of schizophrenia.

How to Test For PCP Abuse

Drug testing can be used to detect the abuse of PCP. While many people are opposed to drug testing because they feel it imposes upon individual rights, the fact of the matter is that drug abuse causes major problems in American society. Whether it be in the workplace or on the home front, PCP drug abuse can wreck lives, destroy companies and even kill. To prevent these atrocities from happening, PCP drug tests can be used to answer your questions about “are they or aren’t they?” and take the first step in the right direction toward rehabilitation.
Employers especially need to consider PCP drug testing. Drug use in the workplace creates an unsafe environment for both employer and employee. Accidents are more likely to happen, more sick days are taken and the costs to the company are innumerable. By creating a drug testing program to detect illicit substances such as PCP, the workplace can be a much safer place, and will live up to its full potential.

PCP use is cause for concern the family as well. If you suspect drug abuse in your home, especially that of angel dust, purchasing a drug testing kit may be the best option for you. That lingering suspicion of whether or not your child is using can be troublesome. Testing your teen for PCP now, can help ease your worries and set them on the right track for life—one without the interference of drugs.