At some stage in our lives we all will have suffered a bout of being anxious due to a bad moment. Missing a bus or late for an appointment is enough to trigger uneasiness, which is quite a normal reaction.
Prolonged anxiety which meddles with a person's everyday life tells us that we are now dealing with a condition called (anxiety disorder).
Coping with excessive anxiety can be a struggle but with the right medical advice and help then this ailment which is associated with other psychiatric conditions such as depression can be tamed.
In the UK 1 in 10 people battle to lead a normal life, the severity of anxiety powers is no doubt a mighty force to contend with where the effects can turn a persons life upside down.
Anxiety that flares up with no identifying reason behind the cause has to be questioned. Strong/severe anxiety that tampers or interferes with daily routines- activities is considered abnormal.
Symptoms to look out for with (Physical Anxiety) is dry mouth/diarrhoea/abdominal discomfort/breathlessness/fast heartbeat/problem swallowing/dizzy spells/ tightening of the chest. These are a result of when the brain sends out signals to other parts of the body while at the same time releasing stress hormones/adrenalin. Organs affected are lungs heart etc that are now geared up to work faster.
The fear of going mad and lack of concentration are two serious symptoms endured as well as insomnia and uncontrollable outbursts of rage- anger if suffering from psychological anxiety.
Medication and treatments like psychotherapy/ counselling and more are available.
Anxiety is treatable so please if you or someone close is having a bad time trying to cope with any of the symptons mentioned earlier then make an appointment to speak with your doctor.
Mad or sad
Some people who suffer from anxiety may appear to look and do things a little differently to which an outsider may find funny, depending on the outsider of course. Because of their lack of understanding on this condition they find it hilarious to poke fun and make nasty remarks towards the person suffering from this condition causing more misery for the sufferer.
Yes I would say sufferers are mad, mad with the ignoramuses who continue to add to their torment.
And saddened furthermore at how their tomentors proudly show their ignorance behind the meaning of the word compassion.
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